Proverbs 29:18 Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.
One of the main problems with Christianity today, is a lack of vision. So many Christians seem to want to do things in the same old way with the same old tactics, and are satisfied with the same old results. Most Christians are stuck in a rut. One Bible college professor used to say, "A rut is just a grave with both ends knocked out of it." Some things about Christianity are tried and true. For instance, the Blood of Jesus is still the only covering for sin, salvation is still by grace trough faith, and God's Word is still only preserved for us in the "old" King James Version. The point here is that other things are just getting old about what we do. Christians don't seem, as a whole, to want to be excited any more. I can tell you of a good number of "revival", and "camp" meetings where few people, if any seemed to be touched, no one shouted, no one gave the singing their all, no one gave God praise, and the overall atmosphere was cold, stale, and dead. Yet, when the meeting was over, the pastor got up and said, "God really met with us today." In actuality, it didn't seem like God was wanted in the service. The general attitude was, "prophecy smooth things." Christians need a vision for continuing the work of God, not simply "another meeting." Yes, the tried and true methods of the Bible will always work, but they will not work effectively, unless presented by men and women who have a vision.
A Christian Vision.
I. Souls. This should be our top priority.
II. Singing. We should have a song in our hearts, for this shows our joy.
III. Shouting. Praising God, and worshipping Him will always result in Him getting the glory. Why would anyone want to be a Christian, if Christians aren't excited about what they do?
IV. Service. If you were given an assignment by anyone else, you would do it without question. Have the same attitude with God.
V. Services. Attend a good, Fundamental, Bible-preaching, baptistic (preferably independent Baptist) church. Attend faithfully, with joy, and with an attitude that you want to be an asset rather than a liability to your church.
VI. Saviour. The goal in our lives should always be to honor and glorify the Saviour. Laziness, time wasting, lies, and many other 'small' things do not glorify Him. Of course, other more blatant things do not glorify Him either: Alcohol, Smoking, Immorality, Theft, Cheating, and many others are wrong, yet they are accepted by so-called "Christians."
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