Monday, June 1, 2009

This is the day.

Psalm 1:1 Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.

I had been thinking about being blessed, and decided to go through the next several devotions looking at what Psalms gives as the characteristics of a blessed individual.
Webster's 1828 dictionary gives us these definitions for blessed:
BLESS'ED, pp. Made happy or prosperous; extolled; pronounced happy.
BLESS'ED, a. Happy; prosperous in worldly affairs; enjoying spiritual happiness and the favor of God; enjoying heavenly felicity.
Here we see that blessed really simply means happy. In today's world so few people are happy, and so many seek happiness. Wouldn't it be wonderful if the unhappy people in the world would just follow the Bible method of having happiness!

Psalm 1 shows us a threefold recipe for being a blessed person.
First, don't walk in the cousel of those who do not know God (or act like they don't know Him). This is sound advice. We are warned throughout the Bible to follow good counsel. Our counselors should never be unsaved or backslidden people. We should always desire to seek godly counsel.
Second, don't stand in the way (align yourself with) sinners. Wisely choose those who you allow to be your friends. Don't seek an intimate realationship with someone who is an unsaved person.
Third, don't sit in the seat of the scornful. Don't have a scornful, mocking attitude toward others. The world is full of "wise guys" who think it their duty to ridicule others and make them feel bad. If you want to be blessed, stay away from those people, and watch your own attitude to make sure YOU are not a "wise guy."

Biblical examples of these principles.
I. Rehoboam's foolish counselors led him to the decision that divided his kingdom. 2 Chronicles 10. On the other hand, Hushai counselled Absolom in a way that saved king David, but really was against what Absalom wanted. 2 Samuel 15 and 16. Beware of who your counselors are!
II. The Bible is full of examples of breaking down the barrier of separation in relationships. One example that comes to mind here is a romantic relationship, that of Samson and Delilah. Judges 16. Oh, how foolish we Christians are to not maintain separation.
III. Again, the Bible records many who mocked the people of God or the things of God. Just remember the children in the Bible who mocked Elisha in 2 Kings 2, God does not take the scorning of his people lightly, another example is Rabshakeh in Isaiah 36, here we find that God does not take the mocking of himself lightly either. We should be careful not to become scornful.

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