Tuesday, September 29, 2009

This is the day.

Deuteronomy 4:39 Know therefore this day, and consider it in thine heart, that the LORD he is God in heaven above, and upon the earth beneath: there is none else.

Wow! There is only one God! The God of the Bible. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is the only true God. There is no other God. The human race has imagined, and invented, and engineered so many "gods" that it is not even funny. Men have worshiped the sun, and the moon, the stars, and comets. People have bowed down to freshly carved images made from stone and wood, and gold or silver. Generations have prayed to their ancestors, or have gravelled at the feet of some wise man or woman. Countless multitudes have committed suicide, or sacrificed children or other humans to appease the anger of a mountain or various other made up "gods." However, the truth is clear. There is ONE God, and that is the God of the Bible. The God of Creation, Jehovah, El-Shadai, and the many other names that He is called in the Word. He is the only true God, manifesting Himself in three persons, and is the God not only of creation, but also of redemption. His sacrifice on the cross of Calvary has forever settled the sin question. Only His Blood is sufficient to pay the atonement for sin. There is truly only one God!! Do you know Him? He has provided the way for you to be saved. That way is through accepting Jesus Christ as you Saviour.


Adam Pastor said...

Greetings Joshua Barkley

On the subject of the only true God, manifesting Himself in three persons,
I recommend this video:
The Human Jesus

Take a couple of hours to watch it; and prayerfully it will aid you in your quest for truth.

Yours In Messiah
Adam Pastor

jd said...

Yo! bro Josh!! the pic on your profile is from way back!!! obviously from b4 the Claytors came and instructed you on the proper and Biblical way to cut your hair: for even nature tells us that it is a shame for a man to have long hair!!
