Monday, May 18, 2009

This is the day.

I Corinthians 15:33 Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.

Probably one of the most basic, or fundamental, needs of humankind is companionship. The need for a companion dates all the way back to Adam, and is deeply ingrained in every human. The first time that it was stated that mankind needed a companion was by God Himself, after which He made Eve to be with Adam. Still today, people need companions. It is rare that anyone can go through life without feeling the need to be surrounded by other humans, to have a core base of friends, and to have companions with which to react. The few people who have lived the life of hermits, have usually either had an emotional problem, or have been fugitives from the law.

All of this being said, we can assume that the need for friends and companions extends to the Christian as well. Each of us needs someone, and we often look for those who have similar interests, characteristics, desires, and ambitions to our own. However, as a Christian, there are some extra criteria that must be observed. We should always seek to be friends with Christians, and should never allow ourselves to be intimate friends with someone who does not claim, and have a testimony of!!, salvation. The verse from Corinthians is a stern reminder that our friends should be those who are striving to live a Godly life, and should not even be Christians who are out of fellowship with the Lord. One of the things that will draw any Christian, but especially a young Christian or a teenage Christian, away from God the quickest is an association with someone who does not want to serve the Lord. It is sad that we see this pattern all to frequently in our churches today. We must guard ourselves against these unhealthy friendships, and guard our young people by example and through teaching them about separation.

Three examples of bad "friends" in the Bible.
I. Jonadab. II Samuel 13. This is the young man who convinced Amnon to rape Tamar.
II. Ahab. "Friend" of Jehoshaphat in I Kings 22. Almost got Jehoshaphat killed in battle.
III. The old prophet. I Kings 13. Convinced the young prophet to disobey God. The young prophet died because of this move.

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