Tuesday, August 11, 2009

This is the day.

Exodus 4:14 And the anger of the LORD was kindled against Moses, and he said, Is not Aaron the Levite thy brother? I know that he can speak well. And also, behold, he cometh forth to meet thee: and when he seeth thee, he will be glad in his heart.
This is a very interesting passage.  I have a couple of simple thoughts on it.  First, God was angry with Moses because Moses was making excuses for why he could not serve God.  How often we are guilty of the same thing.  Even worse, we make excuses for why we "can't" hold a certain standard, and why it would be "impossible" to make that particular sacrifice for the Lord.  Wow, what a weak bunch of lilly-livered Christians we are.  When I ponder how the early Christians would not even fight back against lions, torches, whips, and certain death, all while having the knowledge that if they denied Christ verbally they could be set free, it almost makes me sick at my own feeble attempts to serve Christ.  Then I look around and see so many other professing Christians who don't even try as hard as I do.  It becomes easier and easier to see why the forces of Satan seem to have such a grip on our society.
The young people who are coming up, seem to fall into one of three categories.  First, those who try to be something they are not.   Some may be surprised to find out that a high percentage of young people who go to Bible College, or who graduate from Accademies aren't even saved.  Yes, that is correct, there is an ever-growing number of young people in "Christian service," who are not Christians.  What a shame that easy-believism has deceived so many into a false sense of salvation.  Second, there are those who don't  really give a care, this, unfortunately is the category into which the majority of young Christians fall today.  They have cell phones and e-mails, and Facebook and MySpace, and they just don't really need God.  So many of our young "preachers" are so consumed with the things of the world like movies, internet, chat rooms, and the entire entertainment industry.  The pursuit of money and fame and so many other things drag Christian young people down, and make them completely complacent about the work of God.  The final category is the few, (and that number may even be an exageration) who are really dedicated to serving God.  Oh, for young men and women who would skip a meal, or not eat all day, or take thirty minutes, or an hour to be alone with God.  What could happen if Christians would consistently read their Bibles, if we would ferverently pray for sinners,  if we would willingly sacrifice our comforts, our pleasures, and our talents and abilities into the service of God.  Men like David, and Paul did not "just happen," they spent time with God.  They were not complacent about their service in the King's army, they fought with vigor.  Most of us would have quit when it came to the Goliaths and the beatings that these two men took on.  How could they suffer so much?  God was with them!!  They walked with Him, and He blessed their lives.
My Second thought is this.  (Going back to the theme of the heart.)  Aaron was coming to meet Moses, and God said Aaron would be glad in his heart. Why?  It could be that Aaron already knew that God was going to use Moses to be the deliverer of Israel.  Just think about it, Israel has been in bondage for 400+ years, and Aaron knows that Moses is a very special person.  Now Aaron has come to find Moses, and to join him on this very special mission, delivering Israel from bondage.  Most of this is conjecture, but do you remember the time you came looking for a deliverer?  Do you remember how you left?  I know there was great joy "in my heart,"  when I finally met my Redeemer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No I don't remember "the talks" and gladly forgot them. Josh, you need to get all the facts before you start saying that I am double minded. The fact is, that I did not consider going back until Pastor Dickerson called me, and I told him I would pray and think about it. I did not just say "well maybe I will go back" I was invited, and I had to give them the courtesy of at least praying about it.
I would appreciate it if you please stop giving me "advice" cause it is not helpful, especially since I NEVER even asked you in the first place. MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!