Monday, August 24, 2009

This is the day.

A Prayer to God.
Thursday 7/23/09 - jpb
Heavenly Father, Thy Name is exalted above all names.  Thy Word is more precious than the finest of Gold or Silver, and is quick and powerful above all forces in the universe.  Thou Who didst stretch out the Heavens with a single span of Thy infinite Hand, and Who measured the Seas in the Hollow of Thy Almighty Hand.  Unto Thee be glory and honor, praise and exaltation both now and forever more.  All thanks be given unto Thee for thy wondrous works.  May the inadequate love that my feeble flesh now feels for Thee never diminish but only ever increase.  May I ever obey Thee, and with Thy permission, be allowed to offer up my insufficient praises both now and forever. Amen.

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